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I don't think that anyone ever tried to claim that American politics were always a "polite debate".  The
"partisan politics" of the 1790s were no less vicious than campaigns in recent decades.  While the
debates have often been contentious - and even occasionally combative - the vast majority of
Americans were united in their belief in the fundamental principles of our Republic(D), even when 
they strongly disagreed on policies implementing those principals.  President Thomas Jefferson
clearly articulated this in his inaugural address on March 4, 1801(*) (emphasis added):

“But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names
brethren of the same principle. We are all republicans. We are all federalists.”

It is this underlying principle that has been the hallmark of the Peaceful transition of power in the
Constitutional Republic (NOT a "democracy") the Founders created in 1778.  Unfortunately, those
lofty principles expressed by Jefferson no longer unite America as they did in 1801. 

An unholy force is loose in our beloved America - a force that represents all the past evils of
government that our founders fought to protect this nation from..."Statism"(D)More specifically, a
particularly loathsome form of statism - responsible for an estimated 85 to 148 MILLION
DEATHS in the last century alone - "Socialism"(D).

"The goal of Socialism is Communism."  Vladimir Lenin

"War is simply the continuation of politics by other means." Carl Von Clausewitz, On War

"All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most
primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by
subverting anything of value in your enemy's country."   Sun Tzu, c. 500 B.C, The Art of War.

Contained in the three above quotes are the goals of the intrinsically evil forces arrayed against
America today, their means and their methodology.  The process, lifted directly from Sun Tzu, was
refined by the KGB during the last century under the name "Ideological Subversion" or "Active

This process has been adopted by, what I call, the "Axis of Evil" (AOE) and has been utilized
against America for over half a century!  The Axis of Evil in America consists primarily of the far left
wing and leadership of the Democrat Party (the Commiecrats), the "leftists" in the Republican Party
(RINOs) who would sacrifice this nation to keep their position and power, a complicit (Main)
media, educators supporting "Commie Core", Silicon Valley and Social Media Giants, the racist
anarchists of BLM, useful idiots in sports and entertainment, "Commiewood" since the 1930s, the
violent, fascist, anarchists of ANTIFA, several generations of "snowflake" students and the deep,
treasonous, corruption at many levels of the federal government.

The AOE has the same goals as the KGB - the "normalization" of America.  By "normalization" the
KGB is referring to Czechoslovakia, in 1968, when soviet tanks rolled in and Czechoslovakia once
again became the "brotherly nation of Czechoslovakia".  For the AOE, this translates to nothing less
than the destruction of our Constitutional Republic by the AOE and, in its place, a Marxist/Leninist
Communist Oligarchy under the control of the AOE! 

America is in the final stages of ideological subversion, before "normalization".  While normalization
will not take place with the "open" violence of the KGB, it will happen - slowly, one small loss of
freedom at a time.  There will be no method of stopping it short of armed revolution as control of
all levels of the Federal Government will already have been accomplished by the AOE.  It is
imperative that all, Faithful, Americans understand that America IS, for all practical purposes, now
involved in The Second American Civil War...and our Nation, once again, needs our service!