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The goal of destabilization is "crisis".  Historically that meant a complete collapse of government and all social systems resulting in "anarchy"(D) and leading to a violent change in power.  The values and principles that are the foundations of this nation are almost an "inoculation" against the disease of Socialism.  The internal attacks against America were begun by a foreign power.  After years of assaults that were never seriously countered power hungry individuals in this country - the AOE -  saw the opportunity to co-opt this system, as co-conspirators at first and, eventually as their own vehicle to total power!  What they did not count on was the "grass roots" resistance from average, real Americans and groups such as the Tea Party.

America's natural resistance to socialism was making destabilization difficult the AOE discovered and, away from of his teleprompter and "puppet masters", Barry the First often gave glimpses of what an American-hating idiot he was under the makeup.  It always seemed odd how quickly the rather vitriolic campaign exchanges between Barry and Hillary seemed to be "forgiven" after he was in power.  It appears very possible now that the international "connections" as well as the extensive local "crony network" of the Clintons were needed to bring Barry's destabilization program up to speed.

First the riverboat "Fauxhero", John Kerry and then Hillary were put to work doing everything they could (on top of what Barry was already doing) to destroy America's foreign policy and influence around the world.  It wasn't very long before it became abundantly clear that the lives of American patriots, or the damage to the security of the nation, were a small price to pay for destroying our stature around the world.

While this was going on the economy continued to flutter along on life support almost not surviving the attack of "Obamacare".  The national debt soared further than the previous total, for the entire life of the nation.  China continued to rake in so much of that debt they were using it to pressure our domestic and foreign policy.  The military was suffering under the assault of budget cuts, forced social "evolution" and a full blown "purge" of "non-conforming" personnel.

Despite all of this, America was refusing to collapse into "crisis".  What we didn't know then was how close we were coming to crisis from assault on one of our most cherished institutions.  We now know that the most dangerous, and heinous assault was quietly taking place on our system of "justice". 

During his reign, Barry had been quietly packing all levels of the court system with AINO justices with the intention of destroying our protections in the Constitution.  Key to this was DECREEING it was a "living constitution" and that it would only mean what THEY SAID IT MEANT!  Knowing that their actions were illegal they covered their asses by planting loyal puppets in positions of power throughout the entire Justice System.  It is very possible that the corruption Barry put in place has NO EQUAL IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION!!! (outside of, maybe, Chicago...hmmm..a connection??)

Despite their all-out efforts to bring about crisis during the reign of Barry the First, Americans were starting to wake up.  It was soon evident that it could not be brought about before the end of his reign.  The assignment, to bring America to Crisis, was given to Hillary.  Now, at first, this does seem a bit ambitious but stop and go back to the time of the campaigns.  Remember the slimy, baseless attacks on anyone running against them.  They even "took out" one of their own who, although he was a socialist, he was not compliant enough to be controlled.

The AOE committed numerous crimes & violations.  Charges real Americans had been put in jail for.  What happened to folks like the Clintons - that's right, Nothing!  The top levels of the DOJ, FBI and AJ were (and, in many cases, still are) completely corrupt and, after long "stonewalling" claimed nothing "really wrong" had been done -  other than "accidentally".  Then all the alphabet traitors were put to work doing everything they could to destroy the one political opponent that was a threat to the AOE, Donald Trump.

Flash forward to today folks.  It is now irrefutable that, had Hillary won the election the probability approaches certainty that we would never have known about the "deep" corruption in not only the "Justice" system (which it isn't any more), but the entire federal, state and local governments until we discovered we had no rights when the "civilian security force" Barry wanted to create came for us!!

America is not out of the woods yet, and will not be for many years.  All you have to do is look to "Commiefornia" to see the AOE at work.  The folks out there are no longer, effectively, living in America.  They are living in what is, for all intents and purposes, a single party state where the Constitution no longer applies and "rights" are becoming only what the State says they are!
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