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Today, in America, we are being offered two diametrically opposed forms of government - our American Republic and the transition from freedom to socialism.  The AOE (especially the Commiecrat party) is presenting socialism as the "more fair" and "equal" system.  They continually try to use emotion to dull thinking and promise utopia under the "guidance" of the state.  People are not capable of taking care of themselves, let alone a Country.  Only "the State", is capable of doing either.  "The state is mother, the state is father and always knows best."  Anyone with any concept of reality understands that this is absolute bullshit!  Eventually, some people will realize the fallacy of this and resist.  The only response from the state has always been to "remove" dissidents - violently!

In any truly "free" society "equality" of success can't exist.  Some people will always do better than others.  That is reality, deal with it!  What is absolutely necessary is "equality" of opportunity!  If you are only concerned with "equality" or "social justice" you will never accomplish anything but to bring down excellence.  If you concentrate on your "opportunities" you can always EARN your SUCCESS. 

If a person has no opportunity for "mobility" in their society they have no motivation to put out the effort to excel.  They will end up doing only the minim needed to survive.  This is why socialism, wherever it has been tried, has always foundered and, eventually, failed (Just as it is doing in Argentina today).  The only way to slow this process is the use of tyranical force.  This is why various forms of statism/socialism/communism have been responsible for an estimated 85 to 148 Million deaths.

For those who still don't understand the sheer inhumanity, of those who would lead us into  statism/socialism , let us look at the eventual result that they hide from you - in terms of what the exact impact of their theories, on our day to day lives or those of your children, would be!  One of the most outspoken supporters of socialism/communism was Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw(*).  He is very succinct in his explanation of the basis of socialism/communism/statism - social classHere, in his own words, is statisms solution to those who don't comply:

"I don't want to punish anybody but there are an extraordinary number of people whom I want to kill. I think it would be a good thing to make everybody come before a properly appointed board, just as he might come before the income tax commissioner. And say every five years or seven years - just put them there and say - Sir, or Madam, will you be kind enough to justify your existence. If you're not producing as much as you consume, or perhaps a little more, then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society, for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can't be of very much use to yourself."[emphasis added]
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The next time you hear an AOE useful idiot try to claim "their" "socialism" is not like the communists remember:  "The goal of Socialism IS Communism"  Vladimir Lenin